We recently applied our skillset towards publishing a paper-back book called the Water Cycle. Sumera Yacoob, our lead designer and illustrator, adeptly merged her skills and experience as a Water Resources Engineer, illustrator extraordinaire and storyteller, helping navigate young readers through a detailed, illustrative look at our most vital element: Water!
Sumera successfully applied her document authoring skills using Adobe InDesign to publish the book via Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform.

Her unique digital illustration style was developed through Procreate which allowed her to brilliantly express difficult concepts for children in an easy to visualize manner.
Sumera developed her own font for the book to allow for a consistent form of her clear handwriting style developing this unique branding and design element of the book.
Are you interested in writing your own book through Amazon’s KDP platform, but are unsure of how to navigate the intricacies of book publishing? Connect with us below to see if we can help you get started!